Bare Metal Balanser on Cisco UCS'

Ana Bodžić


    Although technologies like the Cloud and virtualization seem to garner a lot of attention, a significant number of organizations continue to find meaningful value by using bare metal servers to address their application-delivery requirements. And for good reason!

    • Bare metal servers enable organizations to leverage their current infrastructures using solutions from a single vendor that knows their setup, requirements, and expectations. Using a single vendor also means dealing with a single hardware maintenance contract.
    • Bare metal servers can be specifically configured to meet an organization’s unique specifications, benchmarks, and workloads.
    • Bare metal servers deliver superior speed and responsiveness, without the burdensome overhead of a virtualization platform.
    • Bare metal servers reduce licensing costs when running software from vendors who license their applications by the core. On an 8-core physical server, for example, software applications must be licensed for eight cores. Within a virtualized public cloud, however, that same 8-core physical server appears as a 16-vCPU virtual machine that requires a license for 16 cores—twice as much as a bare metal server.
    • Bare metal servers offer more storage than virtual machines and are easier to scale than multi-tenant cloud environments.

    As a recognized industry leader in the Application Delivery Controller (ADC) arena, KEMP Technologies recognizes the value of bare metal servers in today’s IT landscape. For this reason, KEMP has optimized its award-winning ADC operating system to operate natively in Cisco UCS environments. KEMP LoadMaster for Cisco UCS integrates Load Balancer functions directly into the high-performing UCS fabric, unleashing a number of tangible benefits that outpace CitrixF5 and other solutions when it comes to proximity to servers and applications, improved network bandwidth utilization, growth and scalability, and reduced total cost of acquisition (TCA) and total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with external hardware Load Balancers.